Acute response organizations like ours, and our very generous donors and supporters, are used to functioning at a certain pace. A pace that requires rapid analysis, rapid decision making, and rapid execution. We and our partners are used to being the first in to an area and establishing the needs and the solutions to set the stage for long term actors. In #Ukraine and #Poland, we are now those long term actors. This means the standup phase is longer, the set up is slower, but the presence is much more extended. We understand how hard it can be to watch the news and see the amazing need, but we also understand that to be as effective as possible, we have to follow the right steps. That means approvals from governments, approvals from international health organizations, establishment of long term supply chains, securing of long term funding, and a lot of small details that don’t exist is those first 72 hours after an earthquake or a hurricane.
We are so grateful for the generosity, and patience, or our donors, fans, and supporters as we work through this process. It can be frustrating, we know, to see the speed of these operations at times, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support. This will not be over soon and we will continue to stand with the #Ukrainian people and #refugees from this brutal war.